Series: Voyager
Pairing: Janeway/?
Rating: G, PWP
Parts: 1/1
Feedback: Sure, if you want!
Archive:CaFF and my site. Others please ask.
Note: In response to the challenge: Write a story that starts out, "At the end of a long,
lonely day, when the world seems to fall in my face . . ." Not a real story, just a little something the challenge brought to mind. Submitted for Round 2 of the CaFF.
Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. Please don't read if you are underage/ it's illegal where you live/ you have no interest, etc. No money is made from this. You know the drill.
by Nautika
"At the end of a long, lonely day, when the world seems to fall in my face always manage to pick me up," smiled the captain to her coffee cup. "You have never let me down." The captain lovingly touched her lips to the cup and took a sip. She sighed with deep satisfaction as the warm liquid slid down her throat. "Mmm, and you taste so delicious; bittersweet in the most sensual way. Everything about you is wonderful."
Captain Janeway waved her nose above the steaming brew. "Your aroma - magnificent! The velvety feel of you - absolutely divine. I could *not* live without you. Your warmth heals my heart and soul." She sighed again and curled up on the couch in her quarters, nestling the cup to her breasts. She ran one hand through her shoulder length hair and smiled contentedly as she took another sip. She ran her tongue around her lips, so as not to waste a drop.
Tom Paris stepped out of the shower, wearing a towel, "Who are you talking to, Katie?" he asked.
" one, darling," she smiled and took another sip.
The End